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Kat Losego AC'20 :: Rushing As a Senior

Writer's picture: Alpha Delta PiAlpha Delta Pi

Hey y’all, my name is Kat Losego, and I'm a member of AC'20. I'm also a fourth year Zoology major on the pre-veterinary track here at the University of Florida, a leader on Young Life College for two years, and have amassed over five hundred hours of veterinary volunteer work over the past three years of college. If something about that math seems off, it’s obviously that I rushed and joined Alpha Delta Pi as a senior.

“Why’d you wait so long to rush?” is not only the question you’re probably mentally asking me, but also the question I got asked frequently during recruitment. Actually, scratch that— I got this question every round of recruitment. The first couple times, I stumbled through this question until finally, during a much needed break, I asked myself why I was rushing as a senior. I always wanted to be in a sorority (and especially ADPi) but, by the time I realized how much, I thought it was too late. No one in my family had ever gone Greek and I just figured during my Junior year that my window of opportunity had passed.

Flash forward to Spring semester and quarantine; I was working 30+ hours a week at a veterinary clinic and stumbling through studying for finals when it finally hit me— I still wanted to be a part of ADPi. I thought I had all the time in the world to do the things I wanted to do in college, but I didn’t. The window of opportunity for having college experiences was narrow and closing before my eyes, and I decided that I wasn’t going to forego what I wanted to pursue out of fear that it wouldn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. So, I went for it.

And, as if rushing as a senior weren't strange enough, another aspect of my rush experience that was unprecedented was its virtual format. So many people also asked me, "Why rush?," knowing coronavirus was going to affect my whole senior year. I went into primary recruitment thinking it couldn’t possibly live up to how I had built it up in my mind; I was so wrong! Virtual recruitment with ADPi felt like FaceTiming friends all day, and everyone was so accepting about why I waited to rush— on bid day I was met with so much warmth and excitement that I knew I had made the right decision. Finding my home at Alpha Delta Pi kicked off my senior year in such a memorable way that I already know it will undoubtedly be my best year here.

Aware that I only have a year to make the most of my time at ADPi has made me that much more excited and ready to jump in to everything that it has to offer. My senior year really would not have been complete without being able to expand my horizons and strengthen my community here at the University of Florida with the best group of women there is on campus. I’m so incredibly grateful for everyone I’ve met so far and can’t wait to dive into this year.

Even though I’ll only be an active member at ADPi for one year, I know the friends, moments, and memories will last so much longer— like everyone has been telling me, ADPi doesn’t end when you graduate, and I look forward to seeing how true that statement is.

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